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Hi, I'm Ravi :) 

I'm the Founder at Successful Seller. From spending my 20's lecturing in 3 Universities across the globe, to growing a healthcare startup from 0 employees to over 1000+, to being a humanitarian nurse in the toughest of warzones, to launching, growing and selling my own E-Commerce brand, my life has shown me one thing: 


Helping others grow is the greatest joy on the planet. 


That's Why I love Successful Seller. 


It's an honour to manage a team of global Amazon experts from my home in Calgary, Alberta, Canada as we develop, grow and build a great sellable asset. 


So why do you want to grow your Amazon or Etsy store? Is it more profit, to sell in 5 years or something deeper? 


Maybe it's to always pick up your kids from school. Or it's to go spend 2 weeks a year at a 5 star resort. Whatever the reason, I want to help you make these dreams happen. 

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My Amazon Story

On my first day starting an Amazon brand, they banned me


After sorting that out (Amazon's error), I was hit with a copyright lawsuit. 


And so began my adventure with Amazon.


Things didn't get easier, but I learned how to deal with all of the Amazon issues you could face. 


From stock-outs, to Amazon re-categorizing products, to price changes, listing takedowns, and nearly everything you could face. 


I realized that while growing this brand, learning these skills of perseverance could help others who face issues on mastering Amazon. 


Shortly after selling my E-Commerce Brand, Yoke Wellness, I started Successful Seller and since then we've been helping brands like you grow your Amazon Empire. 


But just as importantly, we help people who have deeper missions of growing outside of Seller Central. 


Read More Below... 

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The Rest Of The Story

My son Aslan was the greatest little guy I've ever met. He left far too soon, but before he did, he taught me the importance of giving back, and contributing, while we are here. 


Since then, we started a yearly scholarship in his name, called the Aslan Foundation Scholarship that we fund to students every year who have overcome obstacles on their journey. 


In 2024, we are going to be hiking a unfathomably long distance to raise enough money to ensure this scholarship continues on for life. 


Our goal is to have a lifelong scholarship in his name. 


Through Successful Seller, we've also been able to donate to entrepreneurs around the world through Kiva. 


Our goal is to be in the top 1% of donors on the Kiva platform. 


Once we reach these goals, we will continue growing the Successful Seller giving back platform to be one of the hallmarks of the company. 


Next, our goal will be to give clean water to 1000 people. 


We give back because I'm driven to create a better world, because Aslan made the world a better place. 


Join Successful Seller and be a part of continuing our lifetime giving plan. 

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We Are In The Top 3% Of Donors With KIVA 

We Fundraise & Give Away A Scholarship Every Year

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So If You've Read This Far... 

You're probably someone who we'd like to work with.


Someone who wants to grow a successful business, but also a successful life. 


Because it's not what you get from this, it's who we are all becoming while getting there. 


Let's Go Far.... Together. 


Click That Free Appraisal Button and get started today. 

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